Tuesday, June 12, 2018

English Cafe

English Cafe is a event that we host at Agape on the fourth Saturday of the month, about 10 months out of the year.  It is designed to be a casual atmosphere where folks of all ages who are interested in improving their English can come and practice with native speakers.  Mainly we are the English native speakers, unless we happen to have a special guest visiting.

We set up small tables to make conversation units.  People practice free conversation for the first part of the time.  We provide refreshments and drinks, often homemade things that Kathy bakes.  Sometimes we have some English games or activities during the program time.  Murray gives a short talk in English from the Bible. Mrs. O and Mrs. N from the Monday morning Bible time often attend.  This past month we took turns reading a simplified character drama of the story of Daniel and the Lions Den.  Many of the people who attend are not yet believers.  Please pray that this outreach will bear fruit.

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