Saturday, September 26, 2009

Manga Messiah

After having some struggles at her junior high school last spring, 14-year-old Eri became very discouraged. Eri's mother has been attending the Tuesday morning Bible study at Agape for about two years. Her mom tried to encourage her by telling her that God was with her and watching over her. Even though Eri knew some things about God, she couldn't really understand how He could help her. Kathy was spending time with her, too, during the spring and doing what she could to encourage her. Just before leaving for the USA, Kathy made a point of giving Eri a copy of Manga Messiah to read. When we returned from the USA, Eri was one of the first people we saw. Eri could not wait to tell us about the way her life was changing. No, the school situation had not improved. But, Eri's heart was changing. She told us how she read the Manga Messiah book and was so moved by the story of Jesus that she cried. For the first time she began to understand how God forgives our sin through Jesus when we confess our sins. God made a way for Eri to change schools to one much closer to her home! In fact, she entered the school where Kathy and I both teach one day a week. How special it is to have her there! Eri told us her desire to get to know God better and started attending Sunday services. Eri has also become part of the worship team and is really enjoying pitching in to help out in a variety of ways. The best part of it all is that Eri's smile is back! Eri is not the only one undergoing changes in her family. Eri's mom has decided that she is ready to step out in faith and get baptized. So she has begun attending a special study to help her prepare for baptism. We are continuing to share the Manga Messiah books with folks of all ages around us. The message is penetrating hearts through this medium and we are excited to be a part of reaping the harvest! May God bless all of you who have given a special gift that is allowing us to distributed more of these great books!! Next time I will tell you another great Manga Messiah testimony!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah! Hallelujah! Wonderful to hear your (God's) exciting news!